Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Webposition Gold mishap

Me again,

Today a story about Webposition Gold. I'm using this tool suite for several years now, mainly to automatically submit pages of my website to search engines.

This tool also has some other features like a search ranking (reporter) tool, a page analysis tool (allows you to compare your pages with pages of higher ranked competitors, ....).

The submission tool seems to work properly, and I even think it has improved the speed of inclusion of my pages in major search engines. So far so good.

Some months ago I received a message from WP with the request to test their new version WP3. So I did the installation strictly according to their instructions. This new version seemed to work fine ... till 3 days ago. Then suddenly I got a message that my license had expired and that I had to buy WP3. So first they ask me to test their software for FREE (read at my costs), then when it works fine I have to pay to keep using it. (They offer users of WP2 a 50% reduction)

Of course I was not pleased with this change, so I contacted them to get my old version WP2 back. No problem just uninstall WP3 and re-install WP2 (at my own costs of course). So I uninstalled WP3, installed WP2 back ... but upon uninstallation of WP3 the uninstall procedure erases all WP config-files, also the ones previously created with WP2.

Again I was not pleased and contacted them again with my findings.

Their answer almost blew me out of my seat ...

"Well these things can happen. But you should not complain to much, it happens quite often that people loose files due to HD-crashes aso. Just rebuild these config-files and that's it. It doesn't take that much time."

In summary:
- I test their software at my costs
- Then they try to push their new version through my throat
- Then they erase files on my system (and they knew this would happen beforehand!)
- Then they say that I shouldn't complain that much, I can easily rebuild the lost files at my time and costs

I think I'll send them a bill charging them my time, and with the money I collect from these guys, I'll buy me another software like IBP4. Maybe these guys are more serious.

Cu tomorrow,


Monday, August 30, 2004

81 Million Targeted Prospects Every Month

Hello again,

Today my experiences with http://www.webtrafficmarketing.com/ , a double-optin miraculous safe mailing list.

For less than $30 (one time for life-time!!!) they allow you to
"Email 81 Million Targeted Prospects Every Month 2.7 Million Targeted Prospects a Day (100% Opt-in) . Just One Click of the Button 100% SPAM Free"

And of course I couldn't resist such a wonderful offer. Oh woo me!

To be short: BULL-SHIT.

I've been sending emails for months (every day another ad), with the most incredible free offers or messages ('Get an elephant for free', 'Breaking NEWS: We've got him OSAMA BIN LADEN', and more of this crazy stuff).

But none of these 2.7 million prospects read my mail (I know because I put an ad-tracker in it).

In return I get about 100 emails daily send by this system, so to be honest I think they have about 500 emails, not the 2.7 million. (To be honest again I automatically delete all the messages I receive from this sender, NEVER READ THESE MAILS MYSELF, so why complain that others don't read my mails, duh!)

Yep, another failure, BUT I KEEP ON TRYING.


Sunday, August 29, 2004

Immensehits ... immense waste


No I do not have the intention to make you depressive, but yes, I have to report another failure.
I had the excellent idea to invest $7.95 to buy 10.000 hits at http://www.immensehits.com/

This is what they promise on their web site:
"In 24 hours or less we can have a guaranteed steady flow of fresh prospects landing on your site. If we can guarantee 10,000, 35,000, 100,000 or even 1,000,000 visitors to your site, can you deliver the sales?
Establish your web presence with the most affordable marketing solutions available on the Internet.
For a fraction of a cent each you can deliver a flood of potential customers to your website.
Stop wasting time and energy on marketing techniques that never deliver the traffic your site needs to survive.
If you sell a product or service it stands to reason, as in any type of sales, that getting directly in front of a potential customer with your pitch is the only place to be. So do you want to depend on someone else's newsletter being read and hope that you're picked out among the 12 other 3-line, black-on-white text ads to make a sale?
So here's the deal. We take care of the tough part ... deliver thousands of potential customers to your site and you convert them into sales

What they delivered? Robot generated hits and not a single sale.

Another crook imposted.


PS: if your looking for some worthless ebooks to make you an instant web millionaire, go to http://www.knowhowshop.com/ (All Free, but useless of course)

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Network Solutions Hijacks domain names


Today I was shocked by the behaviour of networksolutions.com a major US based domain registrar: they hijack successfully domain names of their customers.

The story:
I have (had) several domains registered by Network Solutions. Some months ago I found out that in fact they are quite expensive and I started a procedure to transfer my domains to a more cheaper registrar. All goes well except for a .org domain. To transfer this domain I need an auth-code from NS. In April 04, I ask them for this code. No response. No information on their website on how to obtain this code. I can only contact them by using their online form. When I use this form I only get a confirmation that they thank me for contacting them and they will answer within the next 24 hours. What is strange is that their confirmation message does not contain a copy of my original message. So I have no prove that I asked them to send me the auth-code. But I receive no auth-code, only a standard message that my new registrar must initiate the transfer (what he does).

Some weeks pass, I try again to initiate the transfer, again no response from NS.

On Aug 20 my registration expires, I keep on trying, and yes finally on Aug 27 I receive my auth-code. But then some hours later, I receive a message that NS is not willing to transfer my domain because it has expired ...

So: first they refuse to let MY domain go, then they say it's to late and they refuse again.
And yes, this domain name happens to be a no.1 (or high ranked) at Google, Yahoo, Altavista ...

You all better be warned if you have a successful domain registered at Network Solutions, be sure to transfer it before they learn it's a top domain or else they hijack it.


Friday, August 27, 2004

SafeLists eg. Optinlister


In my quest to flood my web site with traffic I couldn't skip the Optin mailinglists.
Today I'll present the results of one of them : optinlister.com

The site says it has 5685 members (as today), most probably this is correct. You're allowed to send a daily mail to all members and every 72 hours to a selected category.
The site offers also a ad-tracking system.

So I send an add to all the members and to a selected category (not clear if this is different).

24 hours later : no one clicked on the links in my ad (it was an ad about John Kerry and his Vietnam history), in return I received about 50 mails from other members. These mails were generated automatically.

Conclusion: doesn't work, but don't panic I'll keep on trying, and I'll keep you informed.

PS: in case you want to buy a telescope, this is the place to look

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Traffic Swarm buzzzzz

Hello again,

Do you know Traffic Swarm? No? I do! It's one of those click for clicks system. We you click and view an ad for at least x seconds they display your ad. (http://www.knowhowshop.com/traffic/index.htm)

And if you can't collect enough clicks you can buy also some clicks.

I tried both.

And the system works: you get clicks, but where do those clicks come from?

Although Traffic Swarm tries to prevent cheating, the system can easily be fouled and you can even buy cheating tools via Traffic Swarm links. So I think they try to earn money from both sides.

I also bought 4000 clicks, normally you get around 200 clicks a day. But as soon as I bought clicks I got 4000 clicks a day... not realy serious I think.

Conclusion: Traffic Swarm? Nice try but better forget it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Today I cancelled my monthly subscription to FFA Net (http://www.knowhowshop.com/traffic/ffa.htm).

The Pro Membership costs me $9/month. In theory I should have received 1000's of FFA ads posted on this site. Not that I'm interested in these FFA ads, but each ad posted to the site, receives a confirmation mail from me with some commercial information. Unfortunately the site receives very few ads, and the ads that are posted are from professional/automatic posters that are not at all interested in my confirmation mail. I think they automatically delete them.

So bye bye FFA Net.

Another Web Marketing failure


For several months I've been testing all of those famous traffic building programs, get rich quick schemes, ...

In this blog I'll give you a regular update of my experiences.

In case you are looking for some fantastic free ebooks about web marketing (with a value of at least $0 ZERO indeed) check out: http://www.knowhowshop.com/

