Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Why e-biz is likely to fail


No I'm not dead, just recovering from some major blows I received from two e-biz companies:
The one and only AMAZON, and the second and only Audible.

Amazon first. As you perhaps know, Amazon is loosing money, my money. Some days ago I decided to order some CD's total cost $53, and with express shipment $92. To my surprise I did receive the CD's only a few days later. But to my even bigger surprise I received today an additional invoice from DHL another $30. So I have to pay more in shipment and handling than the value of the goods (that fit in a standard envelope). No wonder that nobody still wants to order from Amazon.

Next Audible, the famous audiobook shop. I urge you to try an experiment and look on Google for 'cancel Audible membership'. Yes on Google you'll find many hits, but alas not on the Audible site itself. Once you subscribed for a membership (even a 14 days free trial), you can by no means cancel your subscription. Hundreds of people are being trapped and will remain Audible member for ever and will have to pay their membership fees till eternity and far beyond. That's e-biz, that's how you convince people that e-biz is safe, secure, ... That's why I'm convinced that e-biz is no-biz at all.

See you and enjoy X-mas time,
